THE SUPER 8 FILM KIT: A Simple Solution to Shoot, Process, Scan and Upload Your Super 8 Film Project, now with a “kine” copy for traditional projection
For content creators looking for a cost efficient simple solution to shooting on Super 8 Film, Pro8mm has introduced the SUPER 8 FILM KIT, a workflow solution “in the box” for purchasing super 8 film with processing, scanning and upload directly to drop box.
The Super 8 Film Kit is a modern experience for shooting analog movie film, made from the same 35mm motion picture film used to create theatrical features, music videos, commercials, TV shows and more. The Super 8 Film Kit includes one 50-foot cartridge of Super 8 film, a prepaid mailing envelope to send the film back to the lab for processing, professional scanning of the film to a digital file, email delivery of the file for viewing and sharing, and the analog reel for archiving and long-term future access.

Each Super 8 Film kit is a complete workflow
Three film stocks are available, manufactured from Kodak Vision 3 Film.
Color – Hi-resolution color negative film best used in bright interiors or in average daylight (200 ASA Tungsten Balanced)
Bright Sun – Hi-resolution color negative film best used in bright out-door conditions such as the beach (50 ASA Daylight Balanced)
Low Light –Hi-resolution color negative film best used in low light conditions such as interiors or early evening daylight (500 ASA Tungsten Balanced)
Standard scanning with the kit is an SD best light transfer with an output to a universal file format for uploading.
Options to upgrade the standard kit are available for an additional charge.
These include upgrading to a higher digital standard (HD, 2K or 4K), upgrading to a different scanner (Millennium II for HD or Laser Graphics Data Scanner), or upgrading to ProRes files for HD, 2K or 4K.
There is also an option to get a projectable copy of your negative film on super 8 reversal film. Our new “kine” copy process is now available for $125.00.
Pro8mm has long been recognized as innovators in the film community for pushing the tiny Super 8 Film format to its maximum potential. The film kit meets the needs of filmmakers who demand easy access to product and workflow. The Film Kits are also sold through on line outlets such as AMAZON, and small photo retailers throughout the country.
Amazing results are being created on single 50 foot rolls. The kit is perfect for anyone who is new to shooting on analog film, film school programs who want to give students the challenge of shooting on a single roll with all edits in camera, film festivals and contests, or serious content creators who purchase several kits to string together a longer project such as this one for VOGUE ITALIA, for a music video.
The Super 8 film kit retails for $88.88 and includes free shipping.
Stop by our Cine Gear Booth # 84 to purchase a kit at the show and get your free autographed book, written by Pro8mm President Phil Vigeant, The Power of Super 8 Film: Insider Secrets Every Filmmaker
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