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Retail store Hours 9AM- 5PM Monday- Friday PST

Retail store Hours 9AM- 5PM Monday- Friday PST

The Independent Producer

As we continue reflect on our our own history in celebration of 50 Years in business, it has been a fulfilling and emotional journey, with  “Ah-Ha" moments that brings us clarity, gratitude and a full heart as to why, against all odds, we are still here and busier that ever!

The amount of content created by us and our clients is monumental, and trying to organize it has been a challenge.  But little by little we are chipping away and will share some of our most impactful memories and milestones.

Rhonda states:  “I recently read the first thing I ever wrote for publication in 1982 when I was new to Super8 Sound.   My first big task was to start a publication called The Independent Producer. This was after  SUPER 8 Filmmaker Magazine had been discontinued. I saw a need in the market to provide information to the Super 8 Filmmaking community. We put out 7 issues over 3 years, reporting on super 8 products, services, film festivals, trade shows and industry trends. In those days we did not have a lab or film scanning.  We only sold equipment, and because all our cameras, recorders and editing benches had custom modifications, and we were widely known in both the academic and independent film communities who wanted what we sold. 

Being a heart felt entrepreneur, and a very nostalgic person, the editorial  actually brought me to tears reading it all these years later.  As I read, I thought

1.How did 40 years go by this fast?  2. Our grass routes mission has remained exactly the same - The article could have been written today.” 

Look for scanned copies of  these early magazines on our website in the near future.   

Read Rhonda’s first article.

Super8 Sound/Pro8mm has never stopped creating opportunities for people to learn about how to make the most out of shooting on film. From Boston, to Hollywood, to London, we have had offices in all these places, and serviced  tens of thousands of clients around the world.  


From the first publications that were created by founder Bob Doyle, The  Super8 Sound Catalogue in 1972, to the Independent Producer Magazine, to  workshops we offered in Boston, New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles in the 1980’s, to Phil’s book The Power of Super8 Film, published in 2010, Rhonda’s Book ,Get Reel About Your Home Movie Legacy Before It’s Too Late , published in 2012, and the numerous, The Home Movie Legacy Project  Podcasts, and many live events.  We brought you  Do A Shot With Pro8mm, The Pro8mm One Roll Film Challenge, The Sumer 8 Summit, The Power of Super 8 Film Bootcamps, seminars  and workshop,  tours of Pro8mm  and workshops for film students at all levels from introductory to advanced , teaching classes on archiving and preservation so people could be “HOME MOVIE CERTIFIED” , speaking on many stages including Cine Gear, Show Biz Expo, SXSW, AMIA, Home Movie Day Events, SuperGr8 Film Festival, Roots Tech, The Photo Managers, offering grants, sponsoring in kind partnerships with many small festivals and non profits such as the Al Larvick Fund and Home Movie Day, we have tried for 5 decades to make a difference to include and elevate everyone interested in the analog process.